Hello Cervix…..have we connected lately?

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Last week I was introduced to two amazing women bringing awareness to our Cervix! So let me introduce YOU to Denell at Cervical Wellness and Olivia who is part of a team at Self Cervix.

Why did I find these women… well as with all womb things- if you have any issues, your GP will invariably ask you when your last smear was…and I am a women who doesn’t smear! I was there to get some perimenopause symptoms checked out- cos yes, when your body is telling you something isn’t quite right- get it checked and then you can make an informed choice about your next steps!! (and if you have something that needs treating- I wholeheartedly recommend ALL of Susun Weeds books- she has books for Breast Health, Menopause, “Down There”- yes thats what its called!! )


So I can tell you, my GP wasn’t happy that I choose not to smear- but you know, I just don’t see myself as high risk- BUT what it did make me realise is that I don’t often think about my cervix! Who does?

So my good friend Melaine nudges me towards Self:Cervix– which is an amazing resouce about getting to really know your cervix- connecting with it- in all ways! She even talks about cervical orgasms…so if you want to know more…head over to her site!

From Oliva I found Denell at Cervical Wellness– she healed herself of HPV and cervical dysplasia…wow! I downloaded her book and read loads of interesting facts about the history of gynaecology, the cervix as a sacred portal, the different cells of the cervix and the biggest of all light bulb moment for me was finding out our cervix moves higher when we are ‘turned on’ so it’s not getting rammed during intercourse! What a clever cervix…so that pain during sex…that’s your poor cervix saying it’s not ready yet! She also has some lovely free meditations and she’s running an online workshop this week should you be interested!

From those insights I picked up my trusty Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom and looked up her chapter on the cervix… so you are all informed to make your own choices about smears, here’s some interesting facts- women prone to issues with their vulva, vagina, cervix are deemed as people pleasers, women who feel violated in certain relationships (personal or business), women with anxiety and irritations over being controlled by a partner or situation, women with sexual ambivalence, lower incidence of orgasm during intercourse, dislike of intercourse amounting to sexual aversion, marital conflict. Statistics showed cervical cancer was high in women whose partners where unfaithful, drinking heavily/alcoholic, and over all women who were helpless and pessimistic and lack courage to make changes- often women who had boundary issues in childhood.

Plus all of these factors make you high risk of cervical cancer- participating in unsafe sex, multiple sex partners, being overweight, use of oral contraceptives, genetics, smoking, poor immunity, psychosocial stress, multiple pregnancies and first pregnancy at a young age.

So, back to connecting with your cervix….do you know what it looks like? Perhaps you’ve imagined it opening for birth, or checked it for fertility signs? It feels a bit like the end of your nose, and has a small opening- the eye, which is more like a smile if you have give birth vaginally!

Get to know your cervix….

Images from https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a19977125/cervix-pictures/


I had no idea these signs are warnings to heed…did you? So like I said, it’s always worth getting things checked by a doctor, but don’t get fearful, get empowered with knowledge…check out the websites i’ve mentioned and get to know your cervix: say hello, ask her if there’s anything she needs, before penetration- even of your own fingers or a yoni egg and definitely before a speculum or penis enters- ask her if she’s ready!

If you’re having a smear- talk to your cervix and let her know what’s coming, ask your doctor to wait until you are ready- ask her to warm up the speculum and the lube! You are in charge, it’s your body and you need to be ready.

Start tuning in to your cervix regularly, find your own way to do that- it might be though visualisation, touch, perhaps you might want to buy a speculum and have a look at it yourself. Get familiar with this hidden but incredibly important part of your anatomy!! Say HELLO CERVIX!!

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