The Reiki Principles

Rachael Crow Reiki

Reiki means ‘universal wisdom and life energy’, it is also known as ‘the secret art of inviting happiness’.

Here we talk about the Reiki Principles and how we apply them in our lives!

“Just for today do not anger

Just for today do not worry

Earn your living honestly

Show gratitude to all living things

Be kind to others today

Every morning and every night, sit in Gassho (palms placed together) and speak these words out loud in your heart.”

Mikao Usui

The Reiki Principles (different versions)

Just for today do not anger

Just for today do not worry

Earn your living honestly

Show gratitude to all living things

Be kind to others today

Just for today do not worry.

Just for today do not anger.

Honour your parents, teachers, and elders.

Earn your living honestly.

Show gratitude to everything.

Just for today I will not anger

Just for today I will not worry

Just for today I will show love and respect for every living thing

Just for today I will do my work honestly

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings

Just for Today

I am not worried

I am not angry

I am kind to others

I am taking every opportunity to better myself

And I am full of gratitude

(I am grateful for all the ‘small’ things:- my home, the food in the kitchen, my family and friends, my healthy body ,the flowers, trees, butterflies, the sun and all the miracles of nature, for all of this and more I am eternally grateful)

For more information on learning Reiki, see my Reiki Classes page.