The time of the Teacher is coming to an end….

Rachael Crow Blog

The time of us handing our power to teachers and gurus is over…This Moon Pause woman has had enough of seeing folk handing their soulskins over to others, the time for SHARING and collaboration, community and support is HERE!

My tribe, those who are in my work circles, here in Wales and the smaller towns in the UK are sick of being pushed aside for overseas teachers…teachers who take money from the local economy, who take work from the local people, who aren’t even humble enough to seek out whether there maybe people already sharing what they teach before flying in…

I don’t have a problem if there’s a “gap in the market” – but check first? It’s time we valued the amazing people we have under our noses. Water the grass you live on…value the folk in your own community.

Come, come and sit with the local people, gather the healers, the wise women, the medicine folk, the wild people, learn from the indeginous people of THIS LAND.

I’m so grateful for the wise friend who told me in my 20’s it was time for me to step up and share my skills, share womb wisdom, breath work, meditations, yoga, reiki…and I have, for almost 30 years! In Moon groups, circles, red tents, in adult ed centres, networking meetings, at gatherings, camps, in conversations…

And now I’ve decided I’m stepping down from “teaching” …I will now SHARE my tools, sit in circle and SHARE what I know and LISTEN to what you know, I will midwife your drum, and empower you to take it in to YOUR energy and learn from it YOUR way, using your own MEDICINE.

My work all along has been to EMPOWER people to step up and create ceremony, ritual, hold space, go within LISTEN TO YOUR INNER WISDOM and I’m happy to share the tools I have to continue to support people in  reclaiming their Soul Skins and creating magic in their communities!




No more Teachers or Gurus please…it’s time to step away from that bullshit patriarchal system of giving away our power and step into community holding…bye bye gurus!

my open hearted letter to a teacher coming to the UK from Aus.

Hi ……
I send this in sisterhood and would like to have an authentic dialogue with you.
I’ve been contacted by a few women telling me you’re coming to Pembrokeshire this summer.
We have a very strong community here and many of the women are wise women, doulas, moon pause women, shamanic partitioners, women holding red tents, moon groups, women and men doing rites of passage work, we are all passionate in our collaborations working together and passing work between us, we also mostly live low impact lives.
So im curious how that sits with you, to come into our community bringing work many women here already offer?
I can only say for me, if I was invited to Aus, I would send the contact to you. I wouldn’t fly, and I dont think in a world of Skype and Zoom flying around the world is necessary any more.
I want to empower women to step up, and step away from the patriarchal guru culture of putting teachers on pedestals. We all have it in us to do this work and share it in our communities.
This community is very well supported in the work you offer.  So this is what you would be stepping in to.
I look forward to hearing from you.

warmest wishes Rachael.
The reply I got was ‘evasive’ and apparently her trip is justified as she was “invited” to come and was honoring that request while she is in the UK.
No mention or response to the fact there are already teachers offering what she teaches. No reaction to taking money from our local economy or from local people. No aknowlegment of how unreasonable it is to travel when we have the technology to use so we can teach from our own countries.


(C) Rachael Crow

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