red chakra

What happens after attunement?

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Preparing for a Reiki Attunement | What happens after attunement?

Physical Purification:

When Reiki is purifying the physical body, flu-like symptoms may be experienced: minor discomforts including achy muscles, fever, headache, sore throat, excessive mucus, coughing, constipation, diarrhoea, and other symptoms. As toxins are being released, odours in the urine and faeces may change. Pressures or pains throughout the body, tingling, nausea, or spinning sensations may also be felt in the chakras as Reiki opens, cleanses and balances them.

To lessen the effects: spend extra time doing Reiki over head, back positions and over symptomatic areas. Take long walks in country settings; exercise the entire body mildly or do yoga; breathe clean, fresh air deeply into the lungs, and drink lots of pure, fresh water. Eat light nourishing meals which include fresh fruits, vegetables and juices. A cleansing fast would also be beneficial.

Emotional Purification:

As the purification of the emotional body occurs, deeply held emotions may surface for no apparent reason: anger, frustration, grief, fear, sadness and others. These emotions have been repressed or suppressed from earlier times or experiences. They are being released from the depths of your physical matrix from the cellular level of body and mind. Do not allow yourself to become emotionally affected by what you are experiencing. Do not place blame on anyone or anything for these feelings. Just experience them as they surface and let them go.

To lessen the effects, place one hand on your forehead and the other over your navel. Breathe in and visualize beautiful white light coming into your crown chakra, circling throughout your body, and collecting all of the emotional remains; then breathe out forcefully, while visualizing the emotions blowing out from your solar plexus chakra. Keep this up until you feel calm. Take a long hot bath. Soak for about half an hour. This will relax you and help to cleanse your emotional body.

Mental Purification:

When purification of the mental body occurs, old thought forms, behaviour patterns and/or habits may come to the surface. Addictive desires for food, beverages, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol may increase or resurface. Thoughts of judgement, blame, victimization, abuse, denial, self-destruction and self-pity may prevail. These issues are being healed on every level of your being, from this lifetime and others. Do not be hard on your self or allow these impulses and thoughts to get the better of you. Acknowledge them; let them go, then change your thoughts wilfully to those of a more positive nature.

To lessen the effects, spend extra time on head positions. Be kind to yourself. Repeating positive affirmations, mantras, and listening to your favourite music eases the intensity of the potentially negative effects of the thoughts. A person who goes through all levels of Reiki training, over a period of time (usually two to three years) will experience this cycle many times. They will come to experience imbalance, disease, illness, whatever condition or name applied, as a detoxification or cleansing. This knowledge added to the ability to channel Reiki energy, will help everyone understand what habits and traits, conditions, thoughts must be changed or eliminated, and as they are, better health will be the result. This is enlightenment!

Spiritual Purification:

When spiritual purification is in process, your beliefs may be shaken and challenged; beliefs in how the world operates, how relationships should be, about religion, what is important in your life. As this occurs, insights, revelations, and new understanding will become clear; these will be the building blocks of your newly forming and ever-changing spiritual foundation.

To lessen the effects, spend extra time doing Reiki on head positions. Talk to like-minded people about your experiences, read uplifting spiritual books, listen to motivational tapes, and treat yourself with love and kindness. You are gaining new levels of understanding. During this process, you may feel lonely and perhaps fearful. Know that all is well and this process is perfectly normal. Be at peace. Continue to do Reiki on yourself; this alone can and will move you through the purification process, bringing you closer to that which you truly are: Divine Spirit experiencing the physical realm of existence through body.

A person who goes through all levels of Reiki training, over a period of time (usually two to three years) will experience this cycle many times. They will come to experience imbalance, disease, illness, whatever condition or name applied, as a detoxification or cleansing. This knowledge added to the ability to channel Reiki energy, will help everyone understand what habits and traits, conditions, thoughts must be changed or eliminated, and as they are, better health will be the result. This is enlightenment!

With this understanding and knowledge, one can teach another, and that one can teach someone else (lineage), and eventually help to shift the perception of humanity; from the thought of illness to that of cleansing. When all of humankind acts on this knowledge and self-treats any and all conditions as a toxic assault, then disease will no longer be rampant; this is empowerment!

Rachael Hertogs