Breaking the Patriarchal business model

Rachael Crow Blog

In response to whats going on in the world right now, on global scale, UK scale and community scale, I’ve been sitting with how we women can model a better way of being in business.

I wrote a bit about this in my last newsletter- how I see the Wise Womans Way of running a business.

I’ve been in business for over 20 years, and have witnessed the growth of internet and social media use for business and some of it feels like a huge dark entity that is taking over our lives. How many of us turn on our phones first thing in the morning and get immediately sucked in? (I make it my practice NOT to do this!!)

I feel blessed to have had teachers that have modelled generosity and a ‘pay it forward’ style of business. When I apprenticed my reiki teacher we worked side by side for a year (all expenses paid) and then when I qualified and we taught together she paid me as her equal. My husband too was apprenticed as a carpenter, his pay rose the more skilled he became. What I’m seeing in women’s business more and more is women being trained and expected to work for their ‘teacher’ for free or even being expected to apprentice and pay -to be a tea maker, space holder and general ‘hand maid’.

These patriarchal models are abusive to women, and does not serve the world. It is time to RISE!

(By the way- I totally believe in service/volunteering, we do all need the humbling experience of helping others. I have spent at least 1-2 hours a week for over 20 years supporting others in addiction recovery- this is where I place my service. I will not ‘work’ for others for free.)

In all my work I have offered subsidised places to women who have needed it- whether for financial reasons, health reasons…whatever. All I have ever stood for is empowering women to stand in their own wisdom.

“You are beautiful- your uniqueness fulfils a need in this world- for you are beautiful.” Red Tent Song we sing in our ceremonies

We are all unique and bring our own gifts into the world- this is the wise woman way- to support women to discover their own gifts…and if we listen closely to our bodies, our inner child, our womb wisdom, this is revealed to us.

My deep journey with cancer has brought me to a place of complete surrender- when we stop and surrender to healing, miracles occur. For me- it’s been a death rebirth process, that i’m still navigating. But I have surrendered, every day I give myself to our Mother. I offer to Her my life, my health, my body, my spirit, my family, my home, my relationships, my finances. I am in Her hands, I am Hers, in Her service.

I had no idea how I was going to manage to take time off work to heal, pay for my strict regime of organic foods- lots of juices, all the supplements and herbs, appointments with my herbalist, nutritionist, counsellor and other practitioners, plus pay the bills, the rent, have the energy to parent…

So I prayed, I prayed for the right partners to come into my life to support my healing journey and I prayed for support- in whatever form it needed to come- and it has! I had to surrender and ask, and I’ve been blessed to have amazing women step forward and offer me free healings of all kinds- hands on and distant, I managed to secure some funding for my counselling, I get a small amount each month towards my food and supplements from 2 cancer charities, other parents at school are helping me with childcare and school runs, local friends who ‘grow their own’ have been bringing me food….I set up a closed facebook group where friends can post encouraging messages…all in all I have come to a place of surrender and trust and all is well….and my cancer is shrinking…all is well!

So from this place of trust, surrender, my perimenopause and cancer healing journey- I’m standing up to the patriarchal bullshit business model and I will be offering all my courses and books for donation/gift economy…. For this is the Wise Womans Way- “here is my work, I feel its worth and its value, here is your opportunity to join me in a new system- pay what you feel its worth and value are, and if today thats £5 and next month its £50, that OK. I trust you to value me.”

If you want to join a course, but cant afford it, email me-

Rachael Crow Nov 4th2018