Call out to the Moon Pause Mothers!

Rachael CrowBlog


I started writing about the transition of moon pause, menopause in 2018! 6 years later I’m still here, still in it, mothering an 11 year old and 14 year old (and their hormones!!!) through menopause! When the ‘changes’ began I devoured every ‘alternative’ book I could find…(there’s even a book list on my blog) but none helped me navigate how to mother through this phase that was calling me to just BE ALONE!! So as usual, lol, I’m taking it on myself to see if we can collectively fill this gap in the market??? But I can’t do it alone! Can you help? If this sparks an interest, get in touch! And tag friends who may be able to help!! #moonpause #menopause #motheringthoughmenopause #therealtruthaboutmenopause

If you’re up for writing something that would be most welcome.
The aim is for these stories to be real, gritty but also to offer tools and hope! To be a sort of friendly best friend chat really.
I’ll be collecting them all by Spring equinox 2024 so there’s plenty of time to get others involved.

Email stories to


How many words?

Moon pause isn’t a time for stress- so please feel free to write as little or as much as you like, poems, art (although we may publish in black and white) welcome!

Would we be able to choose our own image to add to the beginning of our chapter?

Yes, but bear in mind self publishing colour books pushes up the cost prices!

Add a bio at the back of the book?

Yes, we will have a section at the back of the book for contact info, websites etc

Are we able to have references which can be added at the back of the book?

Yes, no problem, include these with your story

what are your thoughts on the business side?

i’m thinking of self editing and self publishing (with help hopefully!!)  and allowing those who have written tthe book to have copies wholesale to sell.

Are you open to us advertising our services at the end of our chapter?

This can be at the back of the book with your info

Would we get paid? Or get copies of the books to sell for ourselves?

i have no budget for this!! So if anyone wants to look at fundraising for ways to fund payments, that would be amazing! if anyone would like my Moon Pause 101 course in exchange i’m happy to offer that. And the opportunity to sell the book and earn some money for yourself.

Telegram group for support and discussing

– and zooms- maybe monthly for anyone who wants to chat more 🙂