My Juno Magazine interview- My Life My Way

Rachael CrowBlog, Uncategorized

A little snippet of the interview…

Your latest book is called Cancer as an Initiation. What does initiation mean
to you?

An initiation can be anything that changes your life. As women, we are initiated by our bodies: our first period, motherhood, breastfeeding, end of breastfeeding. Those initiations are mini deaths. You become a mum and your life changes; that old you has died. Even when you start your first blood – you’re not a child any more; that old part of you has died. So, coming at cancer, it was the initiation of looking death in the eye. This is the death: the biggest initiation of life, which might have been stepping over the threshold into death or into wellness, but in a different way to how I’d been living before.

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