Meditation Group

Rachael CrowUncategorized

 Thurs Meditation and breathwork group – we are closed once more. keep an eye on when the group opens again

  7pm at my home- SA41  (please car share)

limited to 8 spaces- please message me/email to confirm your place and for directions

Suggested Donation £10
dates for 2024

no group January, 15th Feb, 14th March, 18th Apr, 16th May, 13th June,  11th July, no group in Aug, 12th Sept, 10th Oct, 14th Nov, no group Dec.

Over the past years meditation group a field of energy has been built- sitting together we add to this healing field- for it (and our guides) to support us with clearing, healing, sending healing to those who need it- the ripple effect of the field is powerful!

I look forward to sitting in the field with you!