New Paradigm Business Course for Wise Women

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings

So I started writing this course as I had been looking for a
Divine Feminine Model of Business-
but it seems that it doesn’t actually exist. So here I am writing it myself! I intended to keep it simple and write 3 topics-

1. YOU are your business
2. Who are YOUR Tribe? (customers)
3. Money and our blocks

PLUS- MY Biggest Magical Business SECRET!

All for £55

As with most courses I write, I end up adding MUCH more than I intend to when I start!
So in this course are- a 40 page booklet/workbook and videos- we will cover-not necessarily in this order-
You are your business- remove the blocks to being seen
Staying aligned with your intentions
Working with Spirit, inspiration & Divine Timing
The marketing energy of the “prostitute”- Staying Pure
Review what you are doing and what needs changing
Making Money and the blocks to Abundance

Working with the moon/your cycle

Planning ahead


All for just £55