Disclaimer & Terms of Service

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Terms and conditions of use Disclaimer All persons requesting the services of Rachael Crow must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by a legal guardian. If the person requesting my services is between 14-18 years of age, I require written consent from the persons Parent, Legal Guardian or Social Worker for the session(s) to commence. I can …

A few Days in the Life of a Peri Menopausal Woman…

Rachael CrowBlog, Uncategorized

A few Days in the Life of a Peri Menopausal Woman… When will there be a menstruation book for mothers? For peri menopausal mothers? Whilst I am deeply grateful for the wonderful books that led me to the power of my menstruation- Red Moon, Wild Genie, Wild Power, Code Red, Her Blood is Gold and others…there is very little mention …

Thirteen Moons Journey

Rachael CrowUncategorized

Next Journey Starts Jan 2016….. with Rachael Hertogs.  Join me and a circle of women, in this 13 moons long journey in the Womens Mysteries; menstrual recapitulation, shamanic drum making, rites of passage ceremonies, meditation, Jade Circle practices, Red Tent and Moon Lodge wisdom, Sacred Scars*, journaling, circling, chanting, crafting, touching nature, staying up to watch the sunrise, all night …

Postpartrum Belly Binding (Belly Wrap)

Rachael CrowUncategorized

Postpartrum Belly Binding (Belly Wrap) – It is a traditional belly binding method, provided postnatally to offer support around the abdomen to aid the recovery period by ensuring a strong support to the womb after childbirth. It helps to pull in the separated abdominal muscles after pregnancy. Prevents back pain, whilst wearing the bind, you will be reminded to sit and …

Birth is Surrender

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Dorothy’s birth- my third,  was the hardest so far – I narrowly missed having a C -section! We planned a home birth, had the pool up and everything. After several weeks of contractions and her not fully engaging…and going 11 days over, we succumbed to a hospital appointment to book her induction. This was scheduled to be in 2 days …

Fast Magical Birth

Rachael CrowUncategorized

My fourth pregnancy flew by, running around after a 2 yr old there was no time for the luxury of daily yoga and meditation I had practiced in her pregnancy! The weeks passed quickly and my belly grew and grew. My community of women gathered around me just 3 weeks before his birth to honour me with a Blessingway; I …

Celebrating your First Moon

Rachael CrowUncategorized

Celebrating your First Moon by Rachael Crow (an excerpt from Menarche -a Journey into Womanhood book ) The word ‘celebrate’ comes from an ancient Greek word ‘melpo’ which means to sing, dance and praise! There are many ways to celebrate your first blood- here are a few suggestions- • Have a RED PARTY! Invite your friends and all dress in …