I talk to Eartha Love about Death as an Initiation & our Deepening Woman course

Rachael CrowBlog

Another Wise Woman in Conversation, this time Eartha and I chat about facing death, and death as an initiation.

Deepening Woman Opens 1st May. This is a culmination of both of our lifes work, put together in 9 thresholds (or modules) following the Life Spiral. We begin on the spiral at Birth and work our way through all nine passages/initiations to the threshold of Death.
This last year we have both been through the death threshold in our lives and have been grateful for the tools we had to hand, the tools we teach in Deepening Woman.
Here humanity stands at the threshold of the New Earth, so we are offering these tools once again, to support and guide woman, to give an anchor in these wobbly times, to support connection to the 5D vision of the future, where we can step out of fear and in to love.

Click to Join Deepening Woman

See Eartha’s work- https://sacredwomansacredworld.org/​ and https://womanbecoming.org​ for girls


We look forward to working with you!
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