I talk to Eartha Love about Death as an Initiation & our Deepening Woman course

Rachael CrowBlog

Another Wise Woman in Conversation, this time Eartha and I chat about facing death, and death as an initiation. Deepening Woman Opens 1st May. This is a culmination of both of our lifes work, put together in 9 thresholds (or modules) following the Life Spiral. We begin on the spiral at Birth and work our way through all nine passages/initiations …

My 7 day Juice Detox that became 14 days!

Rachael CrowBlog

Wow, we made it, 7 days juice detox!! (Well, it was really 14 days including the first week of prep- cutting out heavy meals, introducing more liquids- for others they were ditching coffee, alcohol, gluten, dairy, fat….luckily I dont have any of those in my diet so it wasn’t too hard!) All while still working, being home, cooking for the …

It’s all about transmuting this month!

Rachael CrowBlog

Hello Bright Ones, Let’s stop for one moment and breathe together, feel our Earth Mother under our feet and Grandmother Moon above, giving thanks to them and for all that’s between; all life on Earth, the magic of the cosmos and the mystery of life! How do you feel now? This simple practice of pausing and taking a breath can …

Staying in the Flow of Wellbeing! Newsletter

Rachael CrowBlog

Hello my beauties, Well here we are, still in our cocoon time (as I’m calling it!), and here in West Wales we are being blessed with awesome weather, I’ve been meditating, doing my yoga and making drums in the garden while the kids entertain themselves with finding toads, frogspawn and playing in the paddling pool. I have also had time …