My 7 day Juice Detox that became 14 days!

Rachael CrowBlog

Wow, we made it, 7 days juice detox!! (Well, it was really 14 days including the first week of prep- cutting out heavy meals, introducing more liquids- for others they were ditching coffee, alcohol, gluten, dairy, fat….luckily I dont have any of those in my diet so it wasn’t too hard!) All while still working, being home, cooking for the …

Moon Pause Musings- vlog

Rachael CrowBlog

Grab a cuppa and lets chat about Menopause… #therealtruthaboutmenopause Breaking taboos, breaking the silence against ‘menopause’ women are speaking out more and more on their journey to elder. We are going through a process of self initiation, our bodies are initiating us , but while in this cocoon of change, we are changing woman, don’t expect too much from us! …