My 7 day Juice Detox that became 14 days!

Rachael CrowBlog

Wow, we made it, 7 days juice detox!! (Well, it was really 14 days including the first week of prep- cutting out heavy meals, introducing more liquids- for others they were ditching coffee, alcohol, gluten, dairy, fat….luckily I dont have any of those in my diet so it wasn’t too hard!) All while still working, being home, cooking for the …

Let’s Talk About Food!

Rachael CrowBlog

Such an emotive subject….but maybe it’s time to make some changes? So many women tell me how they struggle to stay off “the bad stuff” and ask how I have managed to resist temptation …! Here I share some of my wisdom, tips and ideas….. If you would like me as a guide email me at and we can …

Stimulants and how they affect us going into Perimenopause!

Rachael CrowBlog

Landing home after an amazing week in Spain on a juice detox, I learned a few things about caffeine and its effect on the body…this explains why so many of us are constantly tired, reaching for caffeine and sugar to pick us up, when in fact its the cause of the fatigue. Here I explain a bit more! here’s the …