Let’s Talk About Food!

Rachael CrowBlog

Such an emotive subject….but maybe it’s time to make some changes? So many women tell me how they struggle to stay off “the bad stuff” and ask how I have managed to resist temptation …! Here I share some of my wisdom, tips and ideas….. If you would like me as a guide email me at info@rachaelcrow.co.uk and we can …

Acceptance…a teaching from my womb

Rachael CrowBlog

I’ve been posting over on my Instagram about #selflove and #selfkindness which to me feels a huge part of acceptance and surrender. For me, my cycle awareness has taught me a lot about acceptance- especially now I’m in peri-menopause and I just don’t know what’s going on with my cycle! Because I have practiced listening to my womb for so …