My response to the Channel 4 menopause programme & an adrenal cocktail recipe!

Rachael CrowBlog

#therealtruthaboutmenopause I was disappointed with the channel 4 menopause programme last night, ok it’s something that it’s being talked about, being brought out into the open, and made less taboo. And Davina did a great job at tackling embarrassing issues like dry vaginas and loss of libido, but all the way through I felt like it was one big advert …

Connection and Community in 2020!

Rachael CrowBlog

Hey everyone, How’s things? We are feet firmly in 2020 now, the energy feels so different, we are all being called to step up, shed our limiting conditions and step out- be the best we can possibly be- whatever that is…we are all unique and in the ‘feild of plenty’ there is space for us all to shine our lights …

Who Holds The Women Who Hold The Women?

Rachael CrowBlog

I’ve had a tough week. Premenstrual, which in perimenopause means a ramping up of all the ‘manifestations’ – migraines, insomnia, hot flushes, night sweats, and dark, dark moods. My body is calling me to stop, to rest, to have peace and quiet, to go within. How do I let go of it all? Who can hold me so I can …

Perimenopause and her Forgotten Archetype

Rachael CrowBlog

Ever since reading Miranda Grays book Red Moon in my 20’s I’ve always used the archetypes of the cycle for my “Map of Womanhood”- Maiden, Mother, Enchantress/Priestess, Crone. (although in recent years I’ve come to use Medicine Woman for the premenstrual enchantress phase.) It popular nowadays for to use the seasons- Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter- same same for me, just …

Stimulants and how they affect us going into Perimenopause!

Rachael CrowBlog

Landing home after an amazing week in Spain on a juice detox, I learned a few things about caffeine and its effect on the body…this explains why so many of us are constantly tired, reaching for caffeine and sugar to pick us up, when in fact its the cause of the fatigue. Here I explain a bit more! here’s the …

A Tirade….

Rachael CrowBlog

Reading ‘Tirade’ from Ripening Through Menopause by Melissa Assilem. Melissa kindly gave me permission to read from her book, which I absolutely love! Her ‘tirade’ sums up my feelings towards the way women are treated by some Dr’s and I certainly identified this after my experiences of how the Dr’s were with me when I chose my own healing path …

Moon- Pause Sharing…come sit and have a cuppa and a chat with me

Rachael CrowBlog

#therealtruthaboutmenopause   Breaking taboos, breaking the silence against ‘menopause’ women are speaking out more and more on their journey to elder. We are going through a process of self initiation, our bodies are initiating us , but while in this cocoon of change, we are changing woman, don’t expect too much from us! Here I share my top tips for …

Balancing Life

Rachael CrowBlog

My healing journey with oestrogen driven cancer has forced me to bring my life into balance- and in doing that I’ve also been working to bring my hormones in to balance- which has had a positive effect in lessening my peri-menopause symptoms! Back in 2017 I listed some of the things that were helping me– but what I found was …