My response to the Channel 4 menopause programme & an adrenal cocktail recipe!

Rachael CrowBlog

#therealtruthaboutmenopause I was disappointed with the channel 4 menopause programme last night, ok it’s something that it’s being talked about, being brought out into the open, and made less taboo. And Davina did a great job at tackling embarrassing issues like dry vaginas and loss of libido, but all the way through I felt like it was one big advert …

Broken Basket Woman/ Menopause 101- Online Teachings

Rachael CrowOn Line Teachings

Broken Basket Woman  cost-£55 /£66 pay what you can-  puchase here Broken Basket Woman, Mid Woman, Changing Woman, Wise Woman, Deepening Woman, Sacred Wise Woman teachings for women on their Mid Woman Journey….. Standing at the threshold of what our society labels ‘menopause’ can be a lonely and scary time. Something is changing. We are slowly wrapping ourselves in our cocoons …