Acceptance…a teaching from my womb

Rachael Crow Blog

I’ve been posting over on my Instagram about #selflove and #selfkindness which to me feels a huge part of acceptance and surrender. For me, my cycle awareness has taught me a lot about acceptance- especially now I’m in peri-menopause and I just don’t know what’s going on with my cycle! Because I have practiced listening to my womb for so …

Reclaiming our Thresholds…Community is KEY!

Rachael Crow Blog

THIS IS THE COUNTER CULTURE TO SOCIAL MEDIA. This is real connection. Those of you who have followed my story will know I moved to Wales with “Community” as my goal…and interestingly along side my failed community venture (read more about that here!) I’ve come to see that I did manage to create community… the Red Tent, in our Mother …

#vaginarevolution It’s Time We Empowered our Vaginas!!

Rachael Crow Blog

So in my last newsletter I spoke about reclaiming my power at my cervical examination by asking to insert the speculum myself 🙂 This got me thinking about vaginal health in general, and then pondering more specifically on vaginal dryness that can happen when breastfeeding and more common when in perimenopause, menopause and beyond. I was to start this #vaginarevolution …

The Real Truth About Menopause

Rachael Crow Blog

In response to the BBCs Truth About Menopause a few of us who work in the field of positive menopause will be putting out some #therealtruthaboutmenopause posts! I believe menopause is a women’s Initiation to wise woman! Whilst some of the symptoms can feel debilitating, if we can change our view about them, feeling into them as our body initiating …

Recipe- Healthy Cacao Bites

Rachael Crow Blog

Cycle day 6, inner spring. My inner girl wants chocolate biscuits! My hearth goddess (see pic above) watches over me and guides me to make tasty nutritious foods…. And for those of us in perimenopause it’s really important we look after our health which means having a good diet!! So here’s my raw ultra nutritious cacoa bites… I blended some …

Moon Pause Musings- vlog

Rachael Crow Blog

Grab a cuppa and lets chat about Menopause… #therealtruthaboutmenopause Breaking taboos, breaking the silence against ‘menopause’ women are speaking out more and more on their journey to elder. We are going through a process of self initiation, our bodies are initiating us , but while in this cocoon of change, we are changing woman, don’t expect too much from us! …

Who are Your Allies?

Rachael Crow Blog

Who are Your Allies? For those of us who have been pioneers in the menstrual health field its been a lonely journey for the last 20 years, and it’s been vital for my sanity to have friends who ‘get it’ and support my work, but even with friends who are cycle literate, not many really dive deep and live by …