Moon Pause Musings- vlog

Rachael Crow Blog

Grab a cuppa and lets chat about Menopause… #therealtruthaboutmenopause Breaking taboos, breaking the silence against ‘menopause’ women are speaking out more and more on their journey to elder. We are going through a process of self initiation, our bodies are initiating us , but while in this cocoon of change, we are changing woman, don’t expect too much from us! …

Who are Your Allies?

Rachael Crow Blog

Who are Your Allies? For those of us who have been pioneers in the menstrual health field its been a lonely journey for the last 20 years, and it’s been vital for my sanity to have friends who ‘get it’ and support my work, but even with friends who are cycle literate, not many really dive deep and live by …

Allies to Support You

Rachael Crow Blog, Uncategorized

Firstly remember…As the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care puts it, “Menopause is not an illness. It is normal for hormone levels to fall in middle age. These hormones do not need to be replaced.” Up your self care!! Look at the stressors in your life, what can you cut back on? Spend more time with yourself- journaling, …

Gateway to Menopause….Standing at the Threshold to Wise Woman

Rachael Crow Blog

Gateway to Menopause….Standing at the Threshold to Wise Woman As a woman who has been working with my cycle for most of my adult years, with a particular passion for celebrating women- young and old…I was noticing a fear arising in me about menopause….I wasn’t really sure what it would bring, not many women where speaking about it, and when …